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Brand story





Effortless, non-toxic, plant-based products with lush, beachy vibes. These everyday staples are healthy for both you and the planet.


New Paltz, NY




A lifelong sensitivity to synthetic scents transformed into an olfactory passion when Jana discovered natural fragrances. A curator of experiences, she moved from the art world to the beauty world to put the best of the fields, forests, and oceans in every multitasking formula.


Daily uniform?

Madewell jeans with a T-shirt or DÔEN dresses.

Sunup routine?

Meditate for five to 10 minutes to the joyful sounds of chirping children. Fresh lemon and water followed by a cup of coffee with raw milk and a smoothie to share with my kids soon after.

Sundown routine?

Cup of herbal tea. Read in bed until my eyes start closing and then lights out.

Secret skill?

Crystal hunting.

Theme song?

David Bowie’s “Heroes.”

Healthiest habit?

I drink so much water!

Biggest indulgence?

Wine and dark chocolate.

Dream dinner date?

My dad. He passed away in January and I would love to get to talk to him about life and get to hear his voice again.

Currently reading?

Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “Braiding Sweetgrass,” and Thich Nhat Hanh’s “Peace is Every Step.”

Happy place?

The Peter’s Kill area at Minnewaska State Park. It’s my nearby sanctuary in the woods with waterfalls where I go hiking with my husky year-round.

Greatest challenge?

Balancing family and business.

Greatest joy?

My children and waking up each day.

Words to live by?

Breathe in, breathe out.