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Brand story



Graydon Moffat


A high-performance skincare line starring clinically-proven superfood ingredients that deliver noticeable results. By harnessing the power of science and the wisdom of nature, each formula feeds your beauty from the outside in.


Toronto, Ontario


Fueled by her journey in the culinary arts—and her experience as a yoga practitioner—Graydon launched her wellness-inspired skincare line with one goal in mind: to support and nourish skin with the most efficacious plants and superfoods on the planet.



Toronto, Ontario.

First job?

Assistant pastry chef.

Last person you called?

My therapist.

Always on repeat?

Lo-fi beats.

Currently missing?

Shopping at the farmers market.

When are you in the flow?

In the wee hours of the morning or late at night.

Most treasured creation?

My son.

Dream superpower?

Turning processed food into healthy food with the snap of a finger!

Fondest memory?

Art school in my twenties.

Biggest motivation?

Helping people connect with and love their skin.

Relaxation ritual?

Morning meditations and hypnosis.

Genie wish?

I’d love to be Audrey Hepburn.

Advice to your younger self?

Just get up every day, try your best, and be your true self. And don't waste your precious energy worrying so much!