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Brand story



Greg and Joanne Starkman


Originally created for professional salon use, this inclusive hair care range is crafted from sustainably sourced, organic botanicals that impart hydration, health, moisture, shine, and protection to a variety of textures.




Walnut Creek, California


After becoming parents, Greg and Joanne realized they needed to “trust their inner sense” and embrace a clean lifestyle. With decades of experience in the hair industry, this new outlook inspired them to create Innersense—a health-friendly hair brand.


Introvert or extrovert?

Joanne: Both! I'm a Gemini.
Greg: Extrovert. I love being the life of the party and a jokester. Sometimes my sarcasm gets me into trouble!

Morning person or night owl??

J: Definitely a morning person. There’s nothing better than seeing the sun rise.
G: Morning person—5 am every morning!

Morning beverage?

J: After a tall glass of water, black coffee.

First concert?

J: Donna Summer—I won the tickets on a radio show!
G: Jethro Tull in 1974 at the LA Forum.

Can’t leave home without?

J: My favorite crystals and at least one essential oil blend.
G: Golf clubs.

Biggest challenge?

J: Self-love.
G: Being my own worst critic.

Biggest inspiration?

J: My daughter, Morgan.
G: My family (and Tony Robbins!).

Signature saying?

J: Love your hair, love yourself!
G: Let’s go!