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Brand story



Shirley Pinkson, A-list makeup artist James Walker, entrepreneur and tree hugger Reneé Snyder, M.D., board-certified cosmetic dermatologist


W3LL PEOPLE creates premium cosmetics crafted from oh-so-nourishing plant-powered technology—for supercharged performance that enhances your natural beauty and leaves you smiling.


Austin, Texas




Skin can absorb up to 80 percent of what we put on it—that’s what drove Shirley, James and Renee to create high-quality cosmetics that perform even better than conventional alternatives.


Happy place?

J: My ranch in Santa Fe/Heaven.
S: Our home in Brooklyn.
R: St. Bart’s or Ghent, Belgium.

Best habit?

J: I truly love physical activity—yoga and running in particular.
S: No phone or computer for the first hour of the day.
R: Working out.

Greatest challenge?

J: Letting myself not feel challenged.
S: Raising our son.
R: Balancing being a mother and working outside the home.

Greatest joy?

J: Feeling connected to nature/universal energy. This happens most in quiet solitude on my ranch trail while running or hiking.
S: Travel with my wife, son and closest friends.
R: My children and friends.


J: Let it go. And if you can’t, let it be.
S: You are what you believe.
R: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it.